Friday, April 13, 2012

Just Call Me Mr. Asperger

Well, for all of those who thought I may have been a bit "off" in one way or another, I finally have a bit of explanation for you.

For all the times I've used strange words, or not looked you in the eye when you were telling me something. For all the times I've seemed rather dorky about some things (building bridges, anyone?). For all the philosophical ramblings that nobody seems to really care about, yet I can tirelessly emit of verbal diarrhea.

Thanks to someone I've known since college, who can literally be called an "expert" in the field, I've been tested at about 1/3 Neuro-Typical and 2/3 Asperger's Syndrome on the spectrum.

WooHoo! Oh, um... wait..


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, and now they might be dropping it from the psychological diagnosis book or something, so I hear... Like it doesn't exist or something...
