Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Korean Art of Denying Gifts

Got one of our first wedding gifts tonight from a Korean family that we're friends with; and the whole "exchange" reminded me of this unusually extreme cultural ritual that they have. (It's a long-shot, but if they are ever reading this, then 감사합니다! ~ it will greatly help us dig ourselves out of this month's budget deficit we're in for May, and help us enjoy the trip more, for sure)

In Korea, when one is offered a gift, the recipient must "politely deny" it, in the spirit of being modest and thankful.

However, that modesty and gratitude usually takes the form of a vehement disagreement -- approaching the level of hurling kimchi and heavy objects at one another.

Okay, so I made that part up, but HeeLa did argue with the gift giver for nearly five minutes... of course, eventually accepting it in the end.

And remember, that you do not open a gift in front of the person who gave it to you... it is always done in private! That's to say she called her 20 minutes later once we got home, and continued the modest disagreement.

So... whenever you are offered any kind of a gift by a Korean person, you know how to accept it. First, you do not open it in front of them... but you must do the "denial" song and dance. Then, later (in private), you open the package, and then deny it again later when you get the chance... saying it's too generous, and whatnot. Of course, all the while, thanking them profusely.

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